Imagine stepping into a place where you barely know anyone at all and then somehow, within but a few hours time, you end up sharing laughter, tears, compassion, & understanding – ⁣⁣
all while becoming ⁣a more authentic ⁣
version of ⁣
Each group event/retreat I facilitate, holds a very unique & special energy. Equally sacred, the journeys may look different to begin but always end up arriving at the same place; connection to self, to community, & to the Divine.⁣⁣
When you join in one of my group workshops, or day/week long retreats, not only will you leave feeling as if you walked into a majestic love-filled land, you’ll leave feeling more inspired, self-aware, and like true transformation has taken place.⁣⁣


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Alchemizing Your Divine Feminine Essence ~ One Day Retreat

Saturday, July 27th 11:00AM-5:00PM Awakenings Center for Conscious Living Laguna Hills, CA

Alchemizing Your Divine Feminine Essence – a transformative one day retreat – will take you on a journey to explore, heal, and embody the powerful energy of your Sacred Feminine. Designed to support you in connecting deeply with your innate feminine sovereignty, you will heal generational trauma and rewrite your personal narrative through: ⁣

⚘ Archetype Exploration & Embodiment Exercises: ⁣
Delve into the rich tapestry of feminine archetypes; learn about their unique gifts & how to embody them in times of need. ⁣
⚘ Bringing Healing + Resolution to Generational Trauma with the help of uniquely crafted meditations, visualizations, and healing processes. ⁣
⚘ Alchemizing the 2nd chakra/womb space so pure creation can occur. ⁣
⚘ Rewriting your story during a water ceremony with 800 yr old Celtic holy water. ⁣
⚘ Owning your intrinsic value in the World as you build community in a safe & nurturing setting. ⁣
⚘Tapping into an infinite supply of radiant love & support. ⁣

$175 pre-registered, $200 week of *cost includes allergy friendly lunch. 
new moon cacao ceremony (Instagram Post) - 1

Into The Heart ~ New Moon Cacao Ceremony

Sunday August 4th 6:00-8:00pm Homestudio Yoga San Anselmo, CA

What if each day, regardless of the environment around you, you were able tap into a reservoir of kindness, peace, purposefulness & love?
How would your experience of life change?
How could your relationships transform?
What type of freedom would you feel if you were to allow your heart’s warmth to become your new resting home?
Cacao – a powerful heart-opening plant medicine – supports us in doing this & so much more.
Please join in at this potent New Moon time, for an evening of beauty, transformation, and connection.
Plan to:
+ Experience the magic of cacao during an intentionally curated cacao ceremony
+ Be renewed during a channeled meditation with the consciousness Lustré (channeled by Amanda Mia Mehalick)
+ Bring voice to your hearts desires and manifest their creation
+ Be witnessed, held, & invited to connect with community in a safe and nurturing setting
+ Leave with an amplified sense of purpose and inner peace
*If you feel called, you are welcome to bring a crystal that resonates with you + an altar item.
$35 pre-registered $45 day of/at the door
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Cape Cod Self-Love Weekend Retreat

Friday August 30th - Sunday September 1st Private Residence, Hyannis Mass

For anyone whose life involves giving, space holding, or being of service – this retreat is for you!⁣

During this one day journey you’ll be replenished. ⁣
Your relationship with yourself will be renewed. ⁣
Not only will you anchor in new patterns of self-confidence & self-worth, you’ll remember you have the power not just to fill but flood, your chalice of self-love. ⁣

Come be nourished by self-care rituals, meditation, movement, community, & cacao. ⁣

Plan to: ⁣
+ Learn about self love; how to evoke, sustain, and be a living expression of it. ⁣
+ Be immersed in healing sounds during a sound healing ceremony ⁣
+ Remove impedances that stop you from seeing your value + worth. ⁣
+ Rebalance giving/receiving patterns. ⁣
+ Experience a traditional ‘heart healing’ cacao ceremony. ⁣
+ Fall in love with the divine being that is you. ⁣
+ Be seen, held, & witnessed in a safe + nourishing setting. ⁣
+ Leave nurtured from the inside out! 
August 30th – Friday    
Our evening begins at 6pm for appetizers + an intention setting ceremony, followed by a sacred sound journey (facilitated by Mandy Milano) to cement our intentions and renew our energy fields.
 August 31st – Saturday 
Workshop 11-4 with 75 min lunch pause.  Throughout the day we will get to know + bring transcendence to, the patterns, beliefs, & past pains you carry, that inhibit your ability to receive love in the forms you crave. 
 September 1st – Sunday 
Relish in the love you’ve reclaimed with a nourishing breakfast followed by a 10AM Closing Ceremony. 
*Workshop price includes 5 allergy friendly meals, snacks, beverages, & healing elixirs. 

Journey to the Sacred of You ~ Glastonbury, England 2025

The English countryside is a place rich with folklore, ritual, myth, and legend and its’ energy draws seekers of all kinds. ⁣

⁣Those seeking beauty, relaxation, solace, & peace…⁣

Those seeking knowledge, culture, & tradition…⁣

Those seeking magical immersions with Avalon, Merlin & the Knights of the Round Table…⁣

Those seeking to connect with Celtic origins and their healing practices…⁣

All those who feel called, whether conscious of it or not, are being drawn to the ancient portals this land does hold ~ for when you step onto Englands most sacred grounds internal alchemical transformation takes place;⁣




⁣This 7 day journey is for those seeking the sacred and is intended to serve as a portal into your holy center. ⁣

Is your Soul feeling the call? 

Whether the journey was elegant or lacking of ease, you’ve made it! Relax & settle in…(indoor pool, steam, or spa treatment anyone?!)

Evening Dinner + Opening Ceremony

Get to know the Sacred Land of Glastonbury on a walking tour led by a Priestess of Avalon. Together we’ll visit the 8th century abbey + hike the Glastonbury Tor.

Group ritual + meditation + individual healings will take place throughout the day.

May 20th – DEEPENING
Let’s see what this land is evoking in you as we process together as a group. A visit to the Chalice Well for replenishment, offerings, prayer, and meditation to follow.

A full day out to experience a new environment!

Our private coach will take us to Bath, where our tour guide will be waiting for us!

They’ll walk us through the town while sharing about its charm and history.

After a visit to the Roman baths we’ll head to Stonehenge for a chance to step into & meditate within what many know as the worlds most famous sacred stone circle!

May 22nd – PURIFY
As we continue the journey through these sacred lands, an unravelling, uncovering, and exploration of the residue that protrudes your inner sacred will naturally occur.

Group Work + Releasing Hike + White Spring Temple Purification Ceremony   

The stones are calling…can you hear them?

Two of Englands most prominent authors on stone circles and sacred sites will support us through this grounding + integrating day. We’ll experience Avebury’s neolithic stones, mystical sites, powerful nature, and close with a drumming circle at West Kennet Long Barrow.

You will leave forever changed (trust me)!

You’ve got a new holy glow that is ready to be known and now it’s time to share it! Have some breakfast & say farewell to the land that has loved you so!

Check out + Goodbyes.


What’s included? What’s not included? Price?


Retreat Itinerary

  • 7 day 6 night stay in a 17th Century cottage fully equipped with modern day amenities.
  • Access to the indoor pool, steam room, & farm
    (cafe + spa + hiking trails on site)
  • 2 meals per day (Veg/GF options available)
  • Transformation facilitation, community connection, added surprises along the way


Not Included
…A Few things

Airfare + Transfer to/from Glastonbury (can be arranged) + Alcohol + Extras + 1 meal per day

Refund/Cancellation Policy:

In the event you change your mind & decide this retreat is not in alignment with your highest good, I will be happy to refund you (omitting the non-refundable $500 deposit) until January 18th, 2025After January 18th 2025, refunds will no longer be possible.



Single - $2299

Private room in a shared 3 bedroom cottage.


Shared - $1999

Shared room in a 2 bedroom shared cottage.


Private - $2499

Private room in a shared 3 bedroom cottage Private space in a luxury E-den Cabin.
