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I Am Rooted in Magic – Root Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

I Am Divine & Empowered – Solar Plexus Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

I Am Connected – Crown Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

Go Within – Life Journey Journal

Fused with a gentle reminder to go within – for there is where you’ll find all you’ve been seeking – this daily journal is here to accompany you on your lifes journey, wherever it may lead.

Eternal Beauty ~ Journal

Nature, in all of its many forms, is breathtaking, and beautiful, and can change our hearts forever.

Moon Magic Journal

Who better to share your secrets with than The Moon?
Use this journal at the time of New + Full Moons to divulge your hearts desires, set intentions, and celebrate who you are/are becoming.

I Am Creating Beauty – Sacral Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

I Am Heart Fulfilled – Heart Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

I Am Intuitive & Open – Third Eye Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

I Am Speaking My Truth – Throat Chakra Journal

Chakra Journal Collection
Chakras are energy centers within the body that support our ability to harmonize mind + body + Spirit.

Intuition Journal

You know when you get that feeling…a feeling when you just know something spectacular is brewing? That’s your intuition turning on.

Sacred Keeper – Ritual Item Clutch

Keep all your sacred goodies in one place…the perfect clutch for your crystals, essential oils, oracle cards, and miscellanious witchy woo!

Magic Awaits

Be the first to hear about all of the juicy & enchanting elixirs of magic I’m creating…
