1-1 Sessions 




1-1 sessions are a nourishing deep dive into your personal world. Within our time together we’ll go over what’s coming up in your life presently, the healing themes you are meant to explore, and what it is your Soul is asking of you at this time. We’ll also look into future occurrences and shed light into anything your heart desires more clarity/guidance around.

As our journey together deepens, the sessions will evolve into an in-the-moment healing experience. I’ll support you through removing energetic blockages, clearing emotional traumas, and treating/understanding root causes of physical ailments.

Each session will close with an integration plan to keep the transformation taking place within, active and alive.

Whether it’s our first or hundredth time working together my approach is always the same; making those I work with more aware of what they are creating, why they are creating it, and empowering them to take charge of their realities in new and insightful ways


I dive deep with you during 1-1 sessions to explore what’s happening in your life right now. Together, we’ll uncover the healing themes meant for you at this time. I also help you gain clarity on future occurrences or any areas where you seek guidance.

As we continue our journey, I’ll guide you through a healing process in the present moment. I support you in clearing emotional traumas, removing energetic blockages, and addressing the root causes of any physical ailments.

Each session will conclude with an integration plan to ensure that the transformations we initiate stay active and alive within you.

No matter how many times we work together, my approach remains the same: helping you understand what you’re creating, why you’re creating it, and empowering you to shape your reality in new, insightful ways.


*Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly Sessions:

45 mins: $175

60 mins: $200

90 mins: $300

Å la carte Session:

60 mins: $250

90 mins: $375

*3 session commitment required.

Love Embodiment Journey

A reclamation of your self-love

There are things we all seek to experience in life; connection, healing, abundance, security, empowerment…and although the form of these may vary, the core of what we desire stays the same.   Each of us in our own unique way are looking to experience love. Loves flow is in a continuous state of existence around us but we have our personal challenges that come up when we want to connect into it. For this reason, I’ve developed a lusciously expansive process that makes letting more love into your life, playful, enriching, accessible, and most importantly; eternal.

Within this journey plan on being supported and held as you are guided into finding & receiving the love you already have within. 

Through Soul engaging exercises, energetic healing, & meditative journey work, you will learn to love yourself the way you deeply deserve and crave.

To begin with, 1-1 sessions offer a personalized approach to healing, allowing individuals to dive deeper into their present experiences. As a result, clients can explore the themes that are most relevant to their lives at that moment. Furthermore, these sessions are structured in a way that promotes continual growth. For instance, as our journey progresses, different emotional and energetic blockages may arise, which are addressed throughout the sessions. In addition, each session concludes with a reflective integration process, which ensures that the insights gained are effectively absorbed. Consequently, clients often leave sessions feeling more empowered and aligned. However, it’s important to note that the process of healing is not linear, and setbacks can occur. Nevertheless, the safe space provided allows for these challenges to be addressed with compassion. Ultimately, the goal is to guide clients toward clarity, emotional release, and renewed energy, thus improving their overall well-being.

Love Embodiment Journey

To begin with, 1-1 sessions offer a personalized approach to healing, allowing individuals to dive deeper into their present experiences. As a result, clients can explore the themes that are most relevant to their lives at that moment. Furthermore, these sessions are structured in a way that promotes continual growth. For instance, as our journey progresses, different emotional and energetic blockages may arise, which are addressed throughout the sessions. In addition, each session concludes with a reflective integration process, which ensures that the insights gained are effectively absorbed. Consequently, clients often leave sessions feeling more empowered and aligned. However, it’s important to note that the process of healing is not linear, and setbacks can occur. Nevertheless, the safe space provided allows for these challenges to be addressed with compassion. Ultimately, the goal is to guide clients toward clarity, emotional release, and renewed energy, thus improving their overall well-being.

To begin with, 1-1 sessions offer a personalized approach to healing, allowing individuals to dive deeper into their present experiences. As a result, clients can explore the themes that are most relevant to their lives at that moment. Furthermore, these sessions are structured in a way that promotes continual growth. For instance, as our journey progresses, different emotional and energetic blockages may arise, which are addressed throughout the sessions. In addition, each session concludes with a reflective integration process, which ensures that the insights gained are effectively absorbed. Consequently, clients often leave sessions feeling more empowered and aligned. However, it’s important to note that the process of healing is not linear, and setbacks can occur. Nevertheless, the safe space provided allows for these challenges to be addressed with compassion. Ultimately, the goal is to guide clients toward clarity, emotional release, and renewed energy, thus improving their overall well-being.

In addition, you will:

♡ Explore your personal impedance’s to letting more love into your life.
♡ Learn to feel happier & live more purposeful each day
♡ Heal social & inherited shame
♡ Reconnect/deepen your relationship with your body
♡ Expand your confidence
♡ Rebalance your giving/receiving patterns
♡ Meet your Soul & embody your destiny 


We’ll have 12 sessions over a 6 month period of time (monthly journey option also available). Sessions range between 60-75 minutes with integration exercises and brief check-ins between appointments.

Pay in full price: $2777 or 6 monthly payments of $415 after $500 deposit.  

Unlock Your Intuition &
Healing Capabilities as You…

Deepen Your Relationship to the Divine

Would you like to deepen your relationship to yourself while connecting to the innate Spirituality ever present within you? Do you wish to increase your intuitive abilities and experience life with a grander sense of trust, self-reliance, and internally-sourced guidance? Could having extra clarity around what energy belongs to you, and what energy belongs to others help you to live life more freely? Does using energy as your personal healing medicine appeal to you?

Within this journey you will cultivate a relationship to your own personal divinity. Set up to be your own sacred learning space, each session will introduce you to a new healing tool or energetic exercise. Together we’ll work to realign your energy so your alchemy can flow, as we resolve any resistance that may arise.

Deeply Profound, Rich, & Divine ~ the grounded magic infused within our time together, will meet you wherever you are at ~ the only requirements are to create an intention and pair it with an open heart.

Enhance Your Wisdom by:

꩜ Learning Tools to Ground, Center, & Align Your Energy
꩜ Developing a Relationship with Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, & Unseen Friends
꩜ Automatic Writing, Cord Cutting, & Soul Contract Work
꩜ Boundary Strengthening & Discernment Techniques
꩜ Remembering/Re-Awakening Your Purpose
꩜ Exploring How to Get to the Core of Issues to Resolve Them


*12 week container 60-75 min sessions *Week 5 & Week 10 are integration periods and will have shorter ‘check-in’ style calls.

Pay in full price: $2777 or 3 monthly payments of $830 after $500 deposit. 

Magic Awaits

Be the first to hear about all of the juicy & enchanting elixirs of magic I’m creating…
